Terms of Use

Legal Notice
By accessing this site or downloading material from this website, you accept these terms. Please note that you may not use this website if you do not accept these terms.

The content of this website is the intellectual property of villagalini.com, without prejudice to any rights not expressly granted here. All the copyrights of this website containing are in the ownership of villagalini.com or third parties rightfully concerned. By accessing this website you agree that you accept these copyright laws.

Property – Trademarks
The content of the website, logo villagalini.com, are the property of villagalini.com. The products’ names and company names mentioned on this website may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. Your access to this website should not be construed as granting, by implication, estoppels or otherwise any license or right to use any marks, logos, images, representations on this website, without our prior written consent or any third party owner’s.

Governing Law
All the transactions made through villagalini.com are governed by the International and European law that regulates issues relating to electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC, DPR 131/2003) and by the Law on Consumer Protection (L . 2251/1994) that regulates matters relating to remote sales.

Modification of terms
The villagalini.com reserves the right to amend or renew the terms and conditions of trade and assumes the obligation to inform the present text of any change or addition to the terms of use.


Villa Galini

Copyright 2021 Villa Galini | All Rights Reserve